What is Accreditation?

Webster defines accreditation as “to give trust or confidence to: to vouch for; to recommend; to furnish with credentials, as an envoy or ambassador”
According to ISO/IEC 17011:2017 Accreditation means: Third–party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific assessment tasks.
United Accreditation Services (UAS) and Further Training / Educational Institutions convey formal demonstration to carry out specific certification, inspection, registration verification/validation, assessment, testing, and calibration and Training/Educational activities. This independent assessment and recognition of United Accreditation Services (UAS) and Further Training / Educational Institutions may permit the accredited organizations tests, examination reports and certificates to be recognized as equivalent to organizations in other countries.

Who all can be accredited?

United Accreditation Services (UAS) accreditation activities United Accreditation Services (UAS) provides accreditations to conformity assessment bodies (CAB).
These bodies consist of laboratories, certification and inspection bodies, providers of proficiency tests and reference material producers. A CAB may be accredited by United Accreditation Services (UAS), if it meets the requirements of the corresponding international standards.

Accredited once, Accepted everywhere

The international harmonization of these standards warrants that the accreditations are carried out on a global basis according to the same criteria. As a result of these harmonized standards, and thanks to international agreements, the assessment services of bodies accredited in UK & US and also accepted in many European and non-European countries.
This ability to overcome technical barriers to trade facilitates cross-border trade and warrants the acceptance of conformity assessments results at an international level without requiring further inspections.